The Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Degree from the Bible Institute Network delivers not just religious education, but a comprehensive educational experience. It readies individuals for roles in spiritual guidance, fostering a life characterized by service, empathy, and self-development. Engaging in this program can be a life-altering journey, one that molds an individual’s perspective on the world and equips them with the necessary resources to effect significant change in their communities.
Prerequisites: Associate of Arts Degree
Requirements: Successfully complete twenty (20) courses in our Bachelor of Arts in Ministry course track.
Course List
Undergrad Level Courses from Ray Stedman Ministries
Survey of the Bible 1 (Ray Stedman Ministries)
Survey of the Bible 2 (Ray Stedman Ministries)
Survey of the Bible 3 (Ray Stedman Ministries)
Undergrad Level Courses from Blue Letter Bible Institute
The Person and Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Blue Letter Bible Institute)
The Doctrine of Salvation (Blue Letter Bible Institute)
Servant Leadership (Blue Letter Bible Institute)
Counseling God’s Way (Blue Letter Bible Institute)
History and Authenticity of the Bible (Blue Letter Bible Institute)
Undergrad Level Courses from Third Mill
The Apostles’ Creed (Third Millennium)
We Believe in Jesus (Third Millennium)
The Gospels (Third Millennium)
Making Biblical Decisions (Third Millennium)
Undergrad Level Courses from Biblical Training Institute
Introduction to the New Testament: Gospel and Acts (Biblical Training Institute)
Introduction to the New Testament: Romans to Revelation (Biblical Training Institute)
Principles of Effective Leadership (Biblical Training Institute)
Church History I (Biblical Training Institute)
Church History II (Biblical Training Institute)
History of Philosophy and Christian Thought (Biblical Training Institute)
Life of Christ (Biblical Training Institute)
Undergrad Level Courses from Keys Vineyard Ministries
Sword Sharpening (Keys Vineyard Ministries)
Encourager (Keys Vineyard Ministries)